Emily Morgan

Studio Manager

The person behind the smiling face you see as you walk through our doors, the studio's atmosphere is indebted to our Studio Manager Emily. With a background as a Voiceover Agent and certified theatre-buff, her quick thinking and experience help our production team on the daily.

We also highly recommend inviting her to a Lord of the Rings trivia night, karaoke, book club or craft club.

Q&A with Emily

What do you do at Liquid Violet/what does your job title mean?

I’m the Studio Manager, which means that I ensure everything runs smoothly! From looking after our clients and the team, handling the website and social media to dealing with facility and supplier management; I try to guarantee that everyone who visits us will have a great experience.

What’s the best part about your job?

I love chatting to everyone who visits our studios and making them feel welcome. As an ex-voiceover agent, it is particularly great catching up with actors and following their careers.

What is your biggest work-based accomplishment that you are really proud of?

Getting to work with Andy Serkis and seeing the master of motion capture transform himself into various farmyard animals whilst in a mo-cap suit was pretty special, considering that The Lord of The Rings films are what motivated me to get into this industry!

What led you to this career?

I fell into the world of voiceover purely by chance – I had always wanted to work in production and started out as a runner at the BBC, firstly on Top Gear and then in the Comedy department. It was there my love of actors really took hold and I started looking for jobs where I could work with them all of the time. A job in a Voiceover Agency came up and the rest, as they say, is history!

What form would your daemon take?

Maybe a lynx? I do love ring-tailed lemurs but I’ve no idea if I share many qualities with them – though they are sun-worshipers!

What could you give a presentation on with no advance warning?

The career of Eddie Redmayne. It would be more of a fast-talking, one-sided, enthusiastic conversation than an actual presentation!

What’s one thing that you’ve never done that you would like to do?

I’d really like to go to Egypt and discover a pharaoh’s tomb. If that’s a tad unrealistic, I’d settle for just seeing the Pyramids.

If you could have an unlimited supply of one thing, what would it be?

Sunshine? It doesn’t have to be sunny all of the time, but when I really want it to be, I’d have my own personal supply.

Doctor Who offers to take you back in time – what historical figure do you most want to meet?

They actually did do this in a Doctor Who episode, but I’d love to meet Vincent Van Gogh. I think it would have been so amazing to watch him paint and tell him how many people love his work today.

If you could become an overnight expert in something, what would it be?

I guess it would be pretty useful to be a plumber or an electrician.

Any hidden talents?   

I don’t know that this is a talent per se, but I am double jointed!

What’s one song that you have completely memorized?

I mean, I can sing all of Westlife’s Greatest Hits, that’s cool to admit to, right?

Which team member would you like to swap places with for a day?

I’d swap places with Hannah – she has such an enthusiastic approach to all of her projects, and it would be really fun to cast a game or animation.

What was your very first job?

Customer Service Assistant at Sainsburys. I do not have fond memories!

What other completely different job would you like to do if you weren’t doing this one?

I’d either sell crafts for a living or be a dog groomer. I like to think you couldn’t get stressed doing either of those!

What is a job that you would be terrible at?!

I’d be a terrible sound engineer! I’m not very technical. I’d probably get through the whole session and then realise I hadn’t pressed record.

What do you enjoy doing when you are not working?

All things creative – learning new crafts (I like to try and learn a new one every few months), going to the theatre, singing songs from the musicals with my choir, photography, and watching Lord of The Rings on repeat.

What fictional place would you like to visit?

Middle Earth – I think I’d live in Hobbiton, have spa weekends away in Rivendell and do city breaks in Minas Tirith. Obviously.


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